Saturday, January 2, 2010

Finally :)


finally, my first post! blog nih dah lame wujud.. since when.. am not sure. initial punye niat was just to get on shira's blog, and put bunch of comments there, thats y i needed to have this blog account first. So, semoga my first step into this blogging stuff membawa yg baek2 belaka, n menghindarkn yg mazmumah... :)

today is 1 jan 2010. wow. dah almost 21 taun i've given chance to breathe. thanks Allah! Alhamdulillah. and today plak baru nk start blog.. siyes xde significant, cume sgt bosan cuti xtau nk buat, mari mulekan post something kat blog ini.


  1. hey..finally!=)
    tktau kenapa tetibe trgerak tuk bukak blog nih..
    tgk2 dh ade post.
    good job.
    [proud to be 1st commenter=P ]

  2. Sapet! Bangunlah.Tido jer.
    Blog ni untuk ko ngan Shiera je ke?
    Apa kata ko update lagi blog ko kalo ada masa.

    (Proud to be second commenter =P )

    copy ayat shiera.
